Marina View That We Love
Where do new ideas come from? The answer is simple: differences. Creativity comes from unlikely combinations.

Interweaving Climate, Water(s) and Communities
    Almagul Menlibayeva
    Askhat Akhmediar
    Care for Balkhash
    Dilyara Kaipova
    Jatiwangi Art Factory
    Khadim Ali
    Omirkeldi Abeuov
    Qizlar collective
    Said Atabekov
    Aigerim Kapar
    May 30, 9:30
    Balkhash, Palace of Culture.
hidrosocial dynamics
socio-ecologycal systems
water cultures
social-natural environments
water knowledges
equitable forms
Exhibition “Interweaving Climate, Water(s), and Communities”

"Interweaving Climate, Water(s) and Communities" begins in the Steppes of Saryarka on the shores of Lake Balkhash, set within the nomadic cultural landscape. The exhibition is part of the International Water and Climate Forum "Balkhash 2024: Challenges and Solutions."

Recognizing the impact of the global climate crisis, the exhibition brings together artists from Central Asia, Indonesia, and Australia as another step toward global climate and ecological solidarity, and practices of care for the fragile ecosystems of the transboundary Lake Balkhash basin.

At the exhibition “Interweaving Climate, Water(s) and Communities,” artists delve and reflect on the interconnections of local communities and biodiversity as keepers of collective memory, bodies of water as archives, the continuity of rituals and technologies in socio-economic and climatic realities and futures.

Embracing a variety of perspectives, knowledge systems, and historical contexts that shape the cultural landscape, the exhibition invites a rethinking of socio-natural interactions, understanding of aquatic spaces, dynamics of hydro-social relationships, and a revaluation of strategies through decolonial imaginations.

© Balqashqa Qamqor 2023